
Some of our Fundraising Activities

Quiz Nights

At Filby Bridge Restaurant. Our host and Quiz Master is Tony Elms. Held on the last Thursday of every month. Proceeds of a half-time raffle are donated to In Bloom every other month. Very popular – early booking advised. Tel: 01493 368142


 The Annual Village Fete is held, every year, on the Playing Field, on August Bank Holiday Monday.  Tel: 01493 369250


A Grand Fireworks display on the first Sunday in November. Tel: 01493 369250

Open Gardens Weekend

 A very popular event held, every year, usually on the third weekend in July. Participating residents open their gardens between 10 am and 4 pm. Entry is by purchase of a Garden Map at the village Post Office.  Tel: 01493 369250

Coffee Mornings

Held on the second Thursday of every month. Tel: 01493 369250


 A substantial income is gained from the  recycling of Newspapers, Glass, Clothes and Shoes. Leave these at the Recycling Centre at the village Post Office or telephone to arrange collection. Tel: 01493 369250

Coffee Mornings

Held on the second Thursday of every month. Tel: 01493 369250

Branded Goods

Filby in Bloom branded products are on sale at the local Shop & Post Office. Available are garden apparel, postcards and calendars, clotted cream fudge, shortbread, mint humbugs, chocolate chip and lemon crisp cookies. Filby in Bloom has its own local, real ale, brewed in the nearby village of Hickling by the Yaarbrew Microbrewery.  An innovation for 2018 was a 500-piece Jigsaw depicting sixteen pictures of Filby in Bloom.

BID (Business Improvement District) is a levy imposed by the Greater Yarmouth Tourism and Business Improvement Area (GYTBIA) on all businesses within the borough. The levy is based on rateable value.  The money raised is used to encourage tourism and it benefits all businesses by increasing local employment and local spend.  BID money is, now, supporting 30 projects in the borough and Filby in Bloom has had grants of between £2,000 and £3,500, over the past five years, to help foster tourism to the village. This seems to have been successful as tour operators, now, divert their coaches from the A47 to the A1064 to bring visitors to the Borough through the village.


In 2014, Britain in Bloom Judges suggested a floral trail mapped through the village and the production of a heritage leaflet. A glossy 24-page pamphlet, Filby, History, Walks and Wildlife, was produced during 2015, using some of Filby’s BID Fund and, at a price of £1, this is now on sale at outlets in the village, with profits going to village charities.