In Bloom


Britain in Bloom

More than 1,600 cities, towns, villages and urban communities take part each year to show off their achievements in environmental responsibility, community participation and, of course, horticultural achievement.

The campaign runs year round and participating groups report a wide range of benefits such as cleaner, greener and safer surroundings, a growing sense of community pride, and increased commercial enterprise and tourism.

Communities of all sizes can take part, from small villages to large cities. Some groups are entirely run by volunteers and some work in partnership with their local council. Every summer participants are assessed for efforts in three key areas:

  • Horticultural achievement
  • Community participation
  • Environmental responsibility

Groups start by taking part in their regional campaign. Those that do well at this level may then be selected to take part in the UK Finals, which are organised by the RHS.

From all the communities that take part in the regional campaigns, only roughly 80 are selected to go into the annual UK Finals of RHS Britain in Bloom.

Filby in Bloom

All involved do so to make Filby a better place in which to live, for the benefit of residents, businesses and visitors alike. Everyone makes a contribution in the best way that they can.

 There is no formal ‘In-Bloom’ committee, as such. Instead, everyone has a say in the planning. A Chairperson and Secretary are elected for the purpose of those meetings that are held but all participate in the discussions and everyone has an equal vote.

 Team work is evident throughout the organisation of the many schemes and projects that run every year, to which so many of the residents willingly give their time.

 Every Saturday morning, a small team is assembled to conduct all necessary clearing, cleaning, planting and other sundry tasks to ensure that the village stays in great shape. Individuals often initiate their own projects and the sheer number and variety of the tasks undertaken demonstrate the innovation within the village. Its enthusiasm for the In-Bloom competitions and for the overall improvement to the fabric of the neighbourhood, in general, is self evident.